About Xiukuauhtli
Xiukuauhtli, She who carries the Essence of the Turquoise Eagle. This name was given to me in ceremony and is a reminder of my path, guiding me to connect to my inherent potentials and carry the balance of strength and heart with me everyday.
My name is derived from the Nahuatl language of the Indigenous Mexica / Nahua people of the Native Nations in Mexico. My people are descendants of the Tolteca, Maya, Nahua and Coahuiltecos.
The name I was given at birth is Marisa Elena Martinez, which I continue to honor and use as the name for my jewelry business.
Jewelry, life, and art that connects to a rich, indigenous cultural heritage.
Marisa {Xiukuauhtli} Martinez, creates adornment that is powerful & healing while inspiring the wearer to shine.
Traditionally handcrafting from ethically sourced metals and natural stones from around the world, is always a priority in her work.
She believes that adornment can be a physical manifestation and extension of one's sacred energy and spirit. In that way, it often tells a story and can engage people to ask questions and make connections. Connections to heart, nature, and culture.
Over the years she has worked out of her personal studio and in the community as a mentor and guide to help grow and lift many other artists.
XiuKuauhtli shares her creations filled with heart and in gratitude for all the guides in her life who have shared, taught, and encouraged her along the way. Especially her two amazing sons who never let her give up on her dreams and those of you who have collected her work over the years. 20 years and counting in this work is an incredible gift and sharing it is a huge privilege. Personally on a journey of reclaiming, reconnecting, and healing herself, she invites you to join her.
~Xiukuauhtli ~ Marisa Marttinez Jewelry
Classes & Mentorship that inspires creativity, encourage growth, building connections and offer a space of healing through the process.
A lifelong student herself and believing there is always more to learn, Xiukuauhtli loves sharing what she has learned with others. Creating art for 20 years and counting she feels she has much to share. The information passed onto her through this journey has deeply impacted her and the way she lives her life. The process of taking an idea from mind and heart and transforming that into something that can be cherished for lifetimes is an invaluable tool that can be applied to any area of our lives. In her personal experience this process is powerful in that it has the capacity to move people, unite people and even offer healing in people. Sharing this knowledge through teaching and mentoring others, especially in disadvantaged communities like hers is a privilege and honor. In doing so her hope is that meaningful connections will be made and they might be inspired to use the confidence gained in learning a new skill throughout all areas of their lives. This is her offering in gratitude and personal way of closing the circle.
My Story
Artist, Teacher/Mentor, Mother
I was born in 1978 to a Mexican and Indigenous migrant worker family in Loveland, CO. Separated from my biological family at the age of 8, I was raised most of my life between cultures by adopted family, and foster families and friends. A very rough yet blessed childhood journey led me to Minnesota for college. Hard work, determination and resilience landed me a scholarship to pursue an education. Here I studied Studio Art, Spanish and Business at the University of St. Thomas and Saint Kate’s. Although I have yet to be able to finish my degree I am grateful for learning all I could while I was there. I came across jewelry making by fate through my dear friend Amanda’s mother, MN Jewelry designer and Artist, Leanne Stremcha.
At that time, as a recently divorced mother of two young boys, and having little resources or help, I especially needed healing, hope and guidance. The gift of a mentorship in jewelry making given to me by Leanne, offered me all of this and more. It has provided a doorway of opportunity. It was a way for me to integrate my love of art, adornment, my culture, and teaching to create a business in which I could provide for my family. It also allowed me the flexibility to be the mother I needed to be to my children, one of whom had been diagnosed with severe special needs.
20 years and counting, I am still learning and growing in my journey as mother and artist and mentor. In addition to the support of my immediate family, my dear friends and clients, this is in large part to the community of support and connection I have to my indigenous culture. A Kalpulli Huitzillin member and a sister of a sacred circle of femmes that provides a sacred space for continued ceremonial dance, drum, and philosophy learning steemed in the Mexica-Nahua traditions of my ancestors. I am honored to be a part of this community where I can continue to connect, heal, learn and grow in my culture and its traditions. I am also eternally grateful for my years of learning and the sacred gifts, ceremonies and ancestral knowledge and teachings from Kalpulli Yaocenoxtli, Maestro Akaxe Gomez, Arturo Meza, and Doña Cande of Teotihuacan, MX. Reconnecting to my roots in this way has allowed me to begin to blossom and stand firmly planted so that I can move forward with confidence in this healing journey I am on. I am filled with infinite gratitude for all the guides in my life who have taught, inspired, encouraged me along the way. From the Sacred mother and the Great spirit, to my abuelita who saved me as a baby, to my mother’s adopted family who nourished me later in my childhood, to the various teachers, friends and foster families throughout my teens that encouraged and cheered me on. And especially my two sons who never let me give up on my dreams and those of you who have collected my work over the years. 20 years and counting in this work is an incredible gift and sharing it is a huge privilege.
~Xiukuauhtli ~ Marisa Marttinez Jewelry
My Loves, Tomasito and Mateo Tlakuilkoatl
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Distinct collections of work inspired by a rich pallet of soulful connections to culture, tradition, and history.